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New Products
Compack 2009
Product Information
A combined spreader / activator for increasing the effectiveness of various agricultural chemicals. It ensures the adequate wetting of plant surfaces.
HydraFlow Super N Plus
16 - 5 - 5 N-P2O5-K2O + 7% Zinc (w/w)
Product Information
A high analysis liquid suspension fertiliser for crops and / or areas that require a readily available source of nitrogen and zinc.
HydraFlow Super K Plus
3 - 13 - 20 N-P2O5-K2O + 7% Zinc (w/w)
Product Information
A high analysis liquid suspension fertiliser for crops and / or areas that require a readily available source of potassium and zinc.
HydraFlow Hi Cal Bo
23% CaO, 5% MgO, 0.66% B2O3 (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Hi Cal Bo is a calcium, magnesium and boron clear liquid concentrate to assist in the correction of deiciencies, strengthen cell walls and assist sugar translocation in fruit and vegetables.
Macro Elements
HydraFlow Control PK
0 - 30.0 - 23.6 N-P2O5-K2O (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Control PK is a high analysis liquid fertiliser containing a readily available form of potassium and slow release phosphorus for the improvement of growth, fruit fill and quality.
HydraFlow Komplete K
3.5 - 15.9 - 22.6 N-P2O5-K2O (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Komplete K is a highly effective balanced source of NPK nutrients for increasing yield and quality in horticultural, vegetable, cotton, and other broadacre crops.
HydraFlow Komplete P
7.1 - 27.8 - 8.6 N-P2O5-K2O (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Komplete P is a highly effective balanced source of NPK nutrients for increasing yield and quality in horticultural, vegetable, cotton, and other broadacre crops.
HydraFlow Only K
25.5% Potassium (w/w)
Product Information
A liquid potassium in an organic citrate (sugar) form. The citrate molecule is immediately recognised, translocated and converted to carbohydrates that ripen and fill fruit and vegetables.
Micro Elements
HydraFlow Boron 15
4.3% Nitrogen + 10.9% Boron (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Boron 15 is a high analysis boron fertiliser with a nitrogen carrier for the prevention and the quick correction of boron deficiencies. It is absorbed quickly and the effect is long lasting.
HydraFlow Calcium 16
11.9% Calcium (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Calcium 16 is a high analysis calcium to assist in the quick correction of calcium deficiencies and strengthening of cell walls to improve fruit quality and density.
HydraFlow Hi Cal MB
6.6 - 0 - 0 N-P2O5-K2O + 11.2% Ca, 2.6% Mg, 0.1 % B (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Hi Cal MB is a calcium, magnesium and boron clear liquid concentrate to assist in the correction of deficiencies, strengthen cell walls and assist sugar translocation in fruit and vegetables.
HydraFlow Molybdenum
16.1% Molybdenum, 15.9% Phosphorus (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Molybdenum is a highly concentrated liquid Molybdenum source which will assist in the correction of deficiencies and maintaining growth in horticulture, orchards, vineyards and broadacre cropping.
HydraFlow Silica
21.9% Silica, 13.2% Potassium (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Silica is a concentrated silica fertiliser to assist in improving cellular structure and will assist in the assimilation of calcium into cell walls. Silica will also assist in reducing lodging in broadacre cropping.
HydraFlow Traces
Multi Trace Element Fertiliser
Product Information
HydraFlow Micronutrients is a high analysis multi-trace element fertiliser to assist in the correction of trace element deficiencies and to maintain growth in horticulture, orchards, vineyards and broadacre cropping.
HydraFlow Zinc-Phos
0 - 27.7 - 2.4 N-P2O5-K2O + 9.4% Zinc (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Zinc Phos is a concentrated phosphorus zinc liquid fertiliser to assist in improving yield and quality in horticulture, orchards, vineyards and broadacre cropping.
HydraFlow BA Zinc
40% Zinc + Plant Hormones (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow BA Zinc contains elemental zinc plus all essential hormones required for cellular expansion, division and elongation. This gives crops the best opportunity for establishment and early root development.
HydraFlow Calcium 40
24% Calcium, 1% Nitrogen (w/w)
Product Information
Flowable Life Calcium 40 is a high analysis suspension liquid calcium with added nitrogen to assist the correction of calcium deficiencies and strengthening plant cell walls.
HydraFlow Red Copper 50
30% Flowable Red Copper (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Red Copper 50 is a flowable copper to assist in the correction of copper deficiencies in broadacre, horticulture, orchards and vineyards.
HydraFlow Magnesium 30
20% Magnesium (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Magnesium 30 is a high analysis flowable magnesium fertiliser to assist in the correction of magnesium deficiencies in horticulture, orchards, vineyards and broadacre cropping.
HydraFlow Zinc Flow 75
75% Flowable Zinc
Product Information
A high analysis zinc suspension to assist in the prevention and correction of zinc deficiencies in horticulture, orchards, vineyards and broadacre cropping.
HydraFlow Calcium 5
4% Chelated Calcium EDTA (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Calcium 5 is a fully chelated EDTA complex to assist in the correction of calcium deficiencies in horticulture, viticulture, tree crops and broadacre cropping.
HydraFlow Copper 6
4.8% Chelated Copper EDTA (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Copper 6 is a fully chelated EDTA complex for the correction of copper deficiencies in horticulture, orchards, vineyards and broadacre cropping.
HydraFlow Iron 7
5.5% Iron as EDTA / Carboxylate (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Iron 7 is a formulated complex to give extra protection and availability to the iron molecule to assist in preventing and correcting deficiencies in horticulture, orchards, vineyards and broadacre cropping.
HydraFlow Magnesium 5
4% Magnesium EDTA / Hydroxy-Carboxylate (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Magnesium 5 is a formulated complex to give extra protection to the magnesium molecule for the correction of deficiencies in horticulture, orchards, vineyards and broadacre cropping.
HydraFlow Manganese 6
4.8% Chelated Manganese EDTA (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Manganese 6 is a fully chelated EDTA complex for the correction of manganese deficiencies in horticulture, orchards and vineyards.
HydraFlow Zinc 10
7.5% Chelated Zinc EDTA (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Zinc 10 is a fully chelated EDTA complex to assist in the correction of zinc deficiencies and maintenance of growth in horticulture, orchards, vineyards and broadacre cropping.
HydraFlow Fish Plus
7.6 - 3.5 - 8.4 N-P2O5-K2O + Trace Elements (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Fish Plus is a balanced NPK fish emulsion fertiliser to assist in boosting the yield and quality of plants and soils. The protein and amino acid based formulation offers organic nutrients to assist in achieving high quality and yield.
HydraFlow Fulvic Acid 5
4.9% Liquid Fulvic Acids (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Fulvic 5 is a blend of liquid Fulvic acids that when applied to soil assist in increasing microbiological activity, nutrient and organic status as well as maintaining soil fertility and structure.
HydraFlow Humic 20
18.2% Liquid Humic and Fulvic Acids (w/w)
Product Information
HydraFlow Humic 20 is a blend of liquid humic and fulvic acids that when applied to soil assist in increasing microbiological activity, nutrient and organic status as well as maintaining soil fertility and structure.
HydraFlow Kelp Xtra
Liquid Kelp Extract
Product Information
HydraFlow Kelp Xtra is a concentrated form of natural plant hormones derived from seaweed combined with additional Auxins and Gibberellins.
HydraFlow Microbes
Complete Organic Soil Balancer
Product Information
HydraFlow Microbe is a blend of beneficial microbes populations essential in maintaining soil health. Microbes will consume non-beneficial microbes such as algae, fungus and other potential problems.
HydraFlow Organics
Complete Organic Conditioner
Product Information
A combination of seaweed (ecklonia maxima), soluble humic acids, amino acids, protein and carbohydrates to help maintain biodiversity, nutrient and water retention and larger root systems.
Our extensive range of high analysis fertilisers and specialty agrochemicals is always expanding. Contact us for more product information.
AAC Aus-Clean
Tank & Equipment Cleaner
Product Information
An all-purpose, biodegradable spray tank, machine and equipment cleaner. Specially designed for decontaminating cleaning equipment, AUS-CLEAN eliminates the adverse affects of chemical residues that often cause crop damage.
AAC Fish Plus
8 - 2 - 8 NPK + Trace Elements
Product Information
A balanced NPK fish emulsion fertiliser to boost the yield & quality of plants & soils
AAC Anti-Foam
Concentrated Anti-foaming Agent
Product Information
A non-ionic based surfactant, fully bio-degradable and it's wetting properties suits general agrichemical and liquid fertiliser applications.